Friday, December 11, 2009

Updated Photos

So we are slackin

Let's see...since the last post was so long ago, there should be tons of things to list, but let's just see what we can get done in a small time frame. Lucille is back to work, which means, Evie is having new adventures in daycare. She is going to a sitters house and having a great time. They do crafts and that sort of thing. She has gotten time out a few times as she is in a biting phase, which we are hoping ends VERY soon. Her vocabulary is growing every day, and she now has routines. For instance she'll drop something and say "Uh Oh" to which you are supposed to respond "What happened?". There are times she does this whole routine herself which is actually pretty funny. To my dismay, she is also a big fan of Hanna Montana (I blame Lucille). Since our television basically stays on The Disney Channel, she loves singing and dancing to the songs in her favorite shows. She doesn't know all the words so at times it sounds like a drunk with a high-pitched voice singing karaoke, but of course is still adorable.

We have now moved into a 1 story house in Chandler, so she has free access everywhere and she takes full advantage of this. She will run back and forth through the kitchen, dining room, living room etc. She has a fleet of toy cars she can sit on and push herself across the tile floor.

Evie calls Gramma "Mamah" and calls Griffin, Drake, Uncle Eric and Aunt Brandi by name, most of the time. She absolutely adores Griffin and Drake. When Griffin isn't carrying her around, she is following right behind the 2 of them.

Better get back to work, but I'll do a better job of updating this. I'll also get some pictures up. Take care and much love to everyone, ~G

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ok, so it's been awhile since anyone has updated this... life has been very busy, but I'll throw somethin in here quick to get the ball rollin. Evie is now walking around like a champ and loves to climb on things (giving Mom & Dad heartattacks daily). She loves seeing animals on TV or in books. She growls everytime she sees a lion on TV or in a book. Really is the cutest thing. Evie loves music, dancing and being the center of attention. No idea where she would have gotten that from! She has recently become quite fond of swimming and waterparks too. Her hair is getting longer and quite curly. We have to try and tame it down at times. I'll put up some pictures as soon as I get a chance. For any of you that haven't met Evie yet, she really has a HUGE personality and words alone stand no chance in telling the whole story. Will update more soon, OR Lou....Cin...????

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Evie!

It was a year ago today that I woke up and headed straight to the hospital...needless to say, I was a bit scared and excited about seeing Loose get ready to have Evie...fortunately, she was a little out of it. I can't believe it's already been a year!

Here's a copy of the email and pictures I sent out that day:

Evelyn weighed 7.7 lbs when she arrived at 11-ish A.M. today. Mom, Baby, AND Dad are doing great and are scheduled to go home tomorrow. She is absolutely precious and has lots of hair; when I saw her she was awake and super alert but she decided to pretend she was napping when we posed for pictures.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The First Year in a Nutshell

Evelyn Elise Hasbach was born April 1, 2008. She was 20.5 inches long and weighed 7lbs. 7oz. Immediately she demonstrated great strength as she was already lifting her head within the first couple hours. When we brought her home, I remember being scared and not really knowing what to do when she cried but with the help of Geoff, we made it through the first night at home. The first month was tiresome as she met many of her relatives, and believe me! There are a lot!

The second month, we started to get our daily rituals figured out. She loved to meet new people and was very alert and aware of everything going on around her. We took her to the mall or out in public and she took in her surroundings completely. She enjoyed going out and looking at different people. She looked at the dogs and tried to figure out what they were. Sydney, our rottie/dobie mix was enamored and played "nana" while Versace, our bulldog had no real interest at all. He is bratty that way.

She had a bigger fascination with Versace but he would just go lay down in his corner where he was safe from her range and she could remain oblivious to him again.

In the third month, we started watching my nephews during the summer. Evie has grown quite a close relationship with her cousins since. Griffin, the oldest, was 8 years old and absolutely adored her. Drake, who was 3 years old, wasn't too sure about her at first. He was very unsure.

She cried, and took up alot of our attention. Since that time, he has grown to be one of her best pals. Griffin was eager to hold his baby cousin and tried to every chance he could get.

Evie soon began to recognize tv jingles and music. The Subway "Five dollar foot-long" jingle would catch her attention and she would look at the tv. She also recognized the music from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Imagination Movers, Handy Manny, and My Friends Tigger and Pooh..still her favorite tv shows to watch.

In the fourth month, she began scooting around on her belly and was learning to roll over. She really did not master the roll until the end of her 5th month. She began eating solid (jar) food. Green beans were her first solid and she still loves them. She also began to try sitting up and mastered sitting by 6 months old. She began to crawl by the end of her 6th month. Also at 6 months old, Evie was baptized at St. Francis Xavier church on October 19, 2008. Our uncle, Deacon Schube Wenzel presided. Our friends, Keith and Cindy are her Godparents. It was a warm day and the church was steaming hot but luckily we all survived.
Evie also got her first teeth. Two on the bottom. Once she got her teeth, we tried giving her real solid food but she wasn't interested yet. She attended her first ASU Football game with her Uncle Bobby and cousins, Bailey and Robert. She tailgated from 4pm and stayed awake until midway through the game where she konked out as we sat right next to the Oregon band section.

Evie's first Halloween costume was Snow White. She was beautiful. We spent it in Yuma while visiting for the Yuma High School 100 year reunion. That weekend, Evie was a trooper. We went to the reception for the reunion on Nov. 1st and she was a party animal. We danced with her and she socialized with so many people. She didn't stop until she hit the carseat and she was out for the night.

Evie also began jabbering and talking. Daddy of course was her first word, with dog dog soon to follow. Momma soon followed but usually only during crying spells.

At 7 months Evie began standing and attempting to walk with little success. She continued to crawl all around. She enjoyed turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green beans on her first Thanksgiving. If I remember correctly these were the first real foods she had tried and liked.

By 8 months old, Evie had her definite favorite foods...turkey, rice and vegetables, green beans, and sweet potatoes. We began to give her more real food and she was a little apprehensive to some extent. At Christmas, she enjoyed Prime rib, creamed spinach, carrots, and again her favorite green beans. She also enjoyed the tissue paper and wrapping paper from her gifts. She had her picture taken with Santa and she was really good. She cried for about a second and then she was fine.

She began walking more with her first steps taken at Uncle Eric's house. She was trying the follow her cousins around and she took about four steps and went back to crawling.

In January, at 9 months old she began walking around more but still wobbly. Evie celebrated Daddy's birthday, and of course no birthday cake yet. However, she was introduced to spaghetti and pasta, one of her current favorites. She also visited the Children's Museum in Mesa for the first time where she played and laughed with her cousins and their friends.

In February, Evie helped me celebrate my birthday as we spent the day with a plumber who came to re-route our hot water line in the kitchen. She talked with him and watched him as he worked away for about six hours. They watched The Incredibles together as he was looking from his work and talking with her about the movie.

She saw a very large Shaquille O'Neal downtown during the NBA Jams weekend. The rumor had it that he waved at her and popped his head in our car window to look at her. This was after the story had made the roundabout through family members and friends. The real story is that as I was driving down the street, I noticed Shaq and I was apparently very obvious about staring. As we drove by he waved because he saw me staring and then he kept waving as I went by...I could only assume he was waving at her as she was staring out the back window. Hehe...but I liked the embellished story better.

She also got four more teeth on the top. She loves eating chicken, turkey, many vegetables, apples, bananas and pastas. She still continued to eat mostly the jar food but would try more solids when we gave them to her.

Evie also celebrated her first Valentine's Day with Geoff and I. We had dinner with Cindy and David at Darcy McGee's in Tempe. Evie also got her first Build-A-Bear, a pink monkey named Chloe. She picked her out and even stepped on the stuffing pedal.

Now here it is March and she is in her 11th month. She is walking like a pro now and goes everywhere....with of course a few tumbles here and there. She has this new-found independence and sometimes acts like she doesn't need mommy and daddy anymore; but the moment we walk away she comes and clings right up on us. She still seems like she is figuring out that she can move and be okay without mom and dad being right next to her.

She now loves eating her real food as she feeds herself small pieces with joy. Her favorite foods are chicken, steak, pasta, and tons of veggies. She is also starting to say more words or at least we are convinced that we hear different things. Daddy thinks she says "Touchdown" and Mommy thinks she says "Tigger". We're still waiting to confirm both words.

In just one more week, she will be turning a year old. The year seems to have flown by so quickly. We have enjoyed so much together and shared so much. It is bittersweet but watching her grow and develop is such an exciting adventure too. Our next adventure is getting through her first birthday party. We'll see how things go.....more to come next week.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My first blog

After much harrassment from my friend Cynthia, I have set up a blog to post pictures and events of Evelyn's daily adventures. Evelyn will turn 1 year old on April 1st. It's hard to believe how fast she has grown and all of the development she is undergoing. It seems like just yesterday that I still could hold her with one hand.

Now for a little bit about Evelyn. Evie, as we call her, is walking and jabbering. She loves books, music and dancing. She loves to meet new people and is very social. It takes over an hour to get through Costco even if I'm just buying one item. So many people stop to smile or say hi. Evie will even try to get attention of those people who have not looked her way by moving her head and smiling at them until they look at her.

Evie's favorite toys are her drumsticks, her pink Chloe monkey, her Humphrey bear, and her princess castle. Lately, she has been teething again so she chews on just about anything.

When Evie gets tired, she rubs her eyes and will get very cuddly. If she gets past the point of being tired though, watch out. She will get upset easily and cry about the smallest things that normally do not bother her. Watch out - she does bite. Although we are trying to remedy this situation to help her overcome her outbursts. Otherwise, she is really easy going and very happy.

Her eyes are hazel and sometimes blue depending on what she is wearing. She has light brown curly hair that plops into her eyes because Daddy won't let us cut her hair. He wants the long flowing curly locks. So we pin them up from time to time when the barrettes will stay in her hair.

I should have started the blog when she was first born to capture all of the fun events but you'll just have to enjoy the pictures of her first year.