Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ok, so it's been awhile since anyone has updated this... life has been very busy, but I'll throw somethin in here quick to get the ball rollin. Evie is now walking around like a champ and loves to climb on things (giving Mom & Dad heartattacks daily). She loves seeing animals on TV or in books. She growls everytime she sees a lion on TV or in a book. Really is the cutest thing. Evie loves music, dancing and being the center of attention. No idea where she would have gotten that from! She has recently become quite fond of swimming and waterparks too. Her hair is getting longer and quite curly. We have to try and tame it down at times. I'll put up some pictures as soon as I get a chance. For any of you that haven't met Evie yet, she really has a HUGE personality and words alone stand no chance in telling the whole story. Will update more soon, OR Lou....Cin...????