Friday, December 11, 2009

Updated Photos

So we are slackin

Let's see...since the last post was so long ago, there should be tons of things to list, but let's just see what we can get done in a small time frame. Lucille is back to work, which means, Evie is having new adventures in daycare. She is going to a sitters house and having a great time. They do crafts and that sort of thing. She has gotten time out a few times as she is in a biting phase, which we are hoping ends VERY soon. Her vocabulary is growing every day, and she now has routines. For instance she'll drop something and say "Uh Oh" to which you are supposed to respond "What happened?". There are times she does this whole routine herself which is actually pretty funny. To my dismay, she is also a big fan of Hanna Montana (I blame Lucille). Since our television basically stays on The Disney Channel, she loves singing and dancing to the songs in her favorite shows. She doesn't know all the words so at times it sounds like a drunk with a high-pitched voice singing karaoke, but of course is still adorable.

We have now moved into a 1 story house in Chandler, so she has free access everywhere and she takes full advantage of this. She will run back and forth through the kitchen, dining room, living room etc. She has a fleet of toy cars she can sit on and push herself across the tile floor.

Evie calls Gramma "Mamah" and calls Griffin, Drake, Uncle Eric and Aunt Brandi by name, most of the time. She absolutely adores Griffin and Drake. When Griffin isn't carrying her around, she is following right behind the 2 of them.

Better get back to work, but I'll do a better job of updating this. I'll also get some pictures up. Take care and much love to everyone, ~G